Karina responded about this in messages, but I'm posting it now so everyone can learn and contribute ... here's the thread so far:
operaguy Wrote:
Hi Karina,
I downloaded Sasha and am very impressed with the morphs and the ease of posing! The morphs for her intimate parts are working fine, but there does not seem to be a texture map. The hip simply has the sasha torso map, with no sexual detail.
Am I doing something wrong?
::::: Opera :::::
Karina Wrote:
Hello opera,
No, you aren't doing anything wrong.
You don't need an extra map because the "sexual detail" is in the geometry.
Just read chapter 8.1 and 8.2 in the SASHA manual. It's all explained there.
I'm sure that once you know SASHA better - you never want to use the original V4 any more.
Happy playtime K
operaguy Wrote:
Hi Karina,
I figured out what you mean by "in the geometry," so okay on that ... now
she wants to have sex with either Sasha-with-male-body, or with M4.
I like your male body morph for Sasha. This is Sasha with your male morph, and an M4 texture called “Bruno.” I'm calling him "Pasha."
"But what about the manly parts?" Sasha says.
Should I go to Renderotica and get detail-textured morphing male function for M4, or do you have a solution that works with Sasha/malebody?
::::: Opera :::::
Karina Wrote:
Hello opera,
Opera, generally you can use almost any male gen with SASHA, no matter what figure it was made for.
Just DON'T CONFORM the gen. Simply parent it to the hip instead and then adjust the gen's "body" actor until it fits.
Texturing is a bit of a problem and you probably have to fiddle with the maps in photoshop until the skin tones match.
Using the same shader node setup as in SASHA's hip texture helps in making a more seamless border:
Delete everything in the gen's shader except for the texture maps, transparency (where applicable), and the bump/displacement and specular maps (if provided).
Then reconnect those to the SASHA shader, replacing the maps in the SASHA shader.
It will be a bit of trial and error, but once you have your first working shader you can always re-use it with other textures.
Hope that helped for now.