Today we had the 1.000th download of SASHA on ShareCG, and almost 4100 views!
SASHA got 44 rates, almost all of them five stars.
SASHA ranks 46th (=page4) in "Sort By Rating"
There were 46 comments made (some of them my own replies)
And that's without the downloads made from this page, which I can only guess for Zippyshare because it doesn't show download stats. However on there are 113 downloads, and on Zippyshare the last download happened yesterday - I think that could add some 200 downloads altogether.
Not bad for three months after publishing, and without much advertising in the "usual places".
I want to grab this opportunity to thank you all for supporting SASHA! Your bug reports, your suggestions and heads-ups were invaluable for me, and I hope I can address many of that in the upcoming SR1.
Unfortunately some other things will still need more time; have mercy on me please. Now render yourselves a bottle of champagne and have a drink on SASHA!