ccartwright from the SmithMicro forums here.
Using Poser 11-
Discussing the V4 Morphia by CDI:
First, I went thru the steps you outlined in your user manual. Loaded Sasha, then injected the V4 Base inj and then the ++Morphs and so on. Saved the figure in my library.
Then loaded my saved Sasha>
Went to load the V4 Morphia>
Then selected Sasha went to Figure>Copy Morphs From> chose the V4 Morphia ( did this because there are no injections morphs for V4 in the Pose library, you have to use the V4 Figure)
Just used the select all when the dialog box popped up.
Then I deleted the V4 Morphia figure.
I first posed Sasha and added her skin and clothing I wanted to use.
I made her smile.
I then Injected a CDI face morph. The smile left to just a standard face no smile.
So I went to the expressions and tried to put the smile back, but when moving the dial the mouth did nothing.
So then I went back the the V4 morphs and re-injected them and the smile then popped back into place.
That is it. So..should load the CDI first and then the V4 Morphs?
Thank you!